Sitalkuchi College

Sitalkuchi College

Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b)

An Affiliated Unit Of CBPBU, Coochbehar

NAAC Accredited with B

Department Of Political Science

Department of Political Science

Year of Establishment: 1999

About The department

The Department of Political science was established in Sitalkuchi College since its inception in the year 1999. Before the introduction of Honours course in 2009, Political Science was taught only as an optional elective subject. Since the introduction of Honours Course the Department was invigorated with academic activities. There is only one substantive teaching post in the department and since 1st January 2020, two posts of State Aided College Teacher were sanctioned. The department Is happy that Dr. Gopal Sharma who joined the Department on 27-07-2006 has left the Department to join first Raiganj University and later on Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University.

Department Notice

22-23 internal VI sem

Ed Tour Notice 2023

Ed Tour Notice 2022 

Notice of Add on course

The vacancy due to his resignation was filled by the joining of Dr. Manabendra Roy on transfer from Samsi College, Malda, on 30-05-2019. Now the faculty strength of the Department is four. Dr. Manabendra Roy, Asst. Professor, Mr. Maksedul Mamin, State Aided College Teacher and Mr. Jiyarul Miah, State Aided College Teacher. The Principal of the college, Dr. Afzal Hossain, also serves the Department by taking classes regularly as per class routines.

Since 2016 the department is located in a separate accommodation with four rooms including one for teachers and departmental activities. The Department is well equipped with Computer and internet connectivity. It has separate printing facilities with an updated printer. This helps the teachers as well as students to remain well connected with online reading materials. The teachers of the department are committed to imparting quality education to the students. And the department is proud that for consecutive four years the students occupied University ranks in the final examinations. Also, the students of the department pursue post graduate studies in leading universities of West Bengal and beyond. There are five alumni of the Department who are working as Assistant Professors in different colleges of West Bengal. Other than providing quality academic ambience, Teachers motivate the students for taking part in games and sports, cultural activities, creative writings etc. Many of the students of the Department secured ranks in inter-Departmental competitions in cultural activities and in game and sports. Also, the Department organizes seminars, group discussions, special lectures to build up a competitive academic environment in the Department. The Department regularly publishes a wall magazine entitled ‘Prabaha’. The Department has a departmental library with books for the use by the students.

It is a matter to be noted that the academic ambience of the college in general and of the Department in particular is congenial to the enrichment of the faculties. This has helped some ex-faculties of the Department to be well placed in different jobs as teachers. We are proud of them and acknowledge with gratitude their contribution to the development of a rich academic and cultural tradition of the Department.

In all the Department of Political Science is one of the leading departments of Sitalkuchi College. The Department invites the intending students pursuing the study of Political Science to experience the vibrant academic and extracurricular activities offered by the Department.

Why Study Political Science?


  1. Achievements by the students

    We are proud that for consecutive four years (2018-2019 to 2021-2022) the students of the Department held university ranks in final UG exams of Political Science Honours of Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University.

    So far 14 students have qualified NET/SET and one has secured JRF.

    As many as five students of the Department have been appointed Assistant Professors of Political Science in five colleges of West Bengal.

    Many of our students pursued post graduate studies in leading universities of West Bengal and of our country. Some have already registered for PhD work.

    Many students have participated in the central defence department, from our department and they have been rendering their national service to our country.

    Many students have successfully the career in law as profession.

  2. Facilities available for the students

    Apart from the central library of the college, the Department has also a departmental library.

    Special Lectures are arranged by experienced teachers for the benefits of students.

    We also provide internship for our immediate ex-students having post graduate degree in Political Science on the basis of merit.

    Department also arranges educational field trips for the students in every year to complement the curriculum framework.

    Also, the Department encourages the students to undertake Project work to complement the curriculum framework.

    Remedial classes for Honours students of the Department are given to the physically challenged students and also to the students from weaker sections of society.

    The Department arranges mentors from among the senior Students guided by teachers for the newly admitted students.

    The Department publishes in every session, PRABAHA – the Departmental Wall Magazine.

  3. Imbibing values and leadership qualities

    The Department imbibes values and leadership qualities among the Students by encouraging them to organize Constitution Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, Voter’s Day, Human Rights Day and Birthday Celebration of B.R. Ambedkar.

    Department has encouraged students to actively participate in innovative practices like sports, songs, games, art, karate, and cultural events etc.

    Our students participate in social activities through NSS unit.

  4. The Department has established a Saturday Club

    There is a Saturday Club in the Department which observes voters’ day, constitution day, etc. Moreover, the members of the club campaigns in the college and the locality about importance of voting, political system and nature of right to vote, enrolment in electoral rolls etc. The Club also Arranges debates on topical issues.

  5. Regular internal Evaluation

    Department arranged regular class tests for evaluation and also home assignments are given regularly to improve writing skills and critical thinking. For this purpose, student seminars and group discussions are also arranged.

  6. Separate Accommodation for the Department

    Our department has separate departmental room with availability of computer facility. Separate arrangement of departmental class room for all which help the students very much.

  7. Deficiency of our Department

    Lack of sufficient faculty members.

  8. Future Plans

Programs Offered & Intake Capacity

Physical Education4721012317010180110
Political Science1307292643171292201305

Curriculam Plan

TitleSemisterYearView/ Download
Political Theory1st Sem2021
Concepts And Debates2nd Sem2021
Comparative Constitutional System2nd Sem2021
Comparative Politics3rd Sem2021
An Introduction To The Local Government3rd Sem2021
Government And Politics In West Bengal Since 19474th Sem2021
Indian Political Thought : 14th Sem2021
Marxian Political Thought4th Sem2021
Legislative Practice & Procedure4th Sem2021
Democracy And Governance In India5th Sem2021
Legal Letercy5th Sem2021
Understanding South Asia6th Sem2021
Women In Modern India : Power & Politics6th Sem2021
Western Political Thought: Ii6th Sem2021
Indian Government And Politics2nd Sem2022
Political Theory: Concepts And Debates2nd Sem2022
Comparative Constitutional System2nd Sem2022
Government And Politics In West Bengal Since 19474th Sem2022
Indian Political Thought: I4th Sem2022
Marxian Political Thought4th Sem2022
Constitution Of India4th Sem2022
Legislative Practices And Procedures4th Sem2022
Introduction To International Relation4th Sem2022
An Introduction To The Political Sociology4th Sem2022
Western Political Thought: Ii6th Sem2022
United Nations And Overview6th Sem2022
Understanding South Asia6th Sem2022
Women In Modern India: Power And Politics6th Sem2022
Empowerment Of Women In India6th Sem2022
Understanding Gandhi6th Sem2022
Understanding Globalization6th Sem2022
All results are available in college library & departmental library.

Departmental Library Books : Need Data

Seminars & Workshops : Need Data

Department Faculties

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