About IQAC
IQAC in Our college
UGC Sponsored Internal Quality Assurance Cell has been formed in the College with the objective to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
The Cell is looking after the material, and human resources of the College.
IQAC Committee Members
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Afzal Hossain | Principal |
2 | Dr. Sangeeta Roychowdhury | Coordiantor |
3 | Shri Tapan Kr. Guha | Member |
4 | Dr. Jagannath Basu | Member |
5 | Dr. Manabendra Roy | Member |
6 | Dr. Dipanjana Chakraborty | Member |
7 | Mr. Jakir Hossain | Member |