Sitalkuchi College

Sitalkuchi College

Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b)

An Affiliated Unit Of CBPBU, Coochbehar

NAAC Accredited with B

Sri Amitava Chakraborty

Name: Amitava Chakraborty
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Department of English
Email Id:
Mobile No: +919563228689

I. Personal Information:

Sex: Male
Caste: General
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Hinduism
Birth Place: Mathabhanga
Date Of Birth: 15/03/1982
Nationality: Indian
Language Known: Bengali. English & Hindi.

Permanent Address: P.o+p.s: Mathabhanga Ward No-10 Dist- Cooch Behar, Pin-736146
Communication Address: P.o+p.s: Mathabhanga Ward No-10 Dist- Cooch Behar, Pin736146

II. Education Summary:

Name Of ExaminationYear Name Of Board/
Name Of Board/
B.A (Hons.)2004Nbu2ndNa
M.A2006C.s.j.m.u1stIndian English
Ph. D Coursework2018Raiganj Universityph.dNa

Mphil/Ph.D Thesis Title: NA

III. Employment History:

InstitutionYear (From-to)Designation
Sitalkuchi College02-08-2010 OnwardsGaptt

Iv. Academic Honours & Awards: Na

V. Professional Affiliation & Services: Na

Vi. Publications:

  1. Socio-Economic Condition of Rural People: A Case Study of Putimary Village, Coochbehar, West Bengal: Rural Development in India: Issues and Challenges, New Delhi, Abhijeet Publication, 2015, ISBN 978-93-5074-185-6
  2. Man-Woman Relationship in Indian Drama and the Concept of Human Rights; Focus on Ghashiram Kotwal and Naga Mandala: Theory And Practice of Human Rights: The Indian Context, Kolkata, Rupali Publishers, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-81669-80-8
  3. Exploitation on Women as Depicted in Vijay Tendulkar’s Play Ghashiram Kotwal, Women empowerment in India: Opportunities and Challenges, Rupali Publishers, Kolkata, 2015, ISBN- 978-93-81669-88-4

Vii. Conference/seminar/workshop Presentations:

Details Attached with Personal Information

Viii. Courses Attended: Na

Ix. Research Experience: Na

X. Responsibilities Handled:

Details Attached with Personal Information

xi. Social & Community Services

  • I) Bratachari

Xii. Key Skills: Na

Xiii. Area Of Interests:

  • i) Third Theatre
  • ii) Classical singing

Xiv. Career Objectives & Goals:

I, Amitava Chakraborty, have been serving as Govt. Approved Part-time Teacher in the Department of English at Sitalkuchi College since 9 years. My aim is to make Effective communication with my beloved students. I have just completed PhD Coursework from Raiganj University. Along with my own subject I have much interest in other streams of social sciences such as Political Science and Sociology. As a research scholar, I have published some articles from reputed publishers and presented several seminar papers in national and international seminars. My goals; firstly that within five years I want to get doctorate degree and be Assistant professor of a university/College. Secondly I want to launch on my won a system that will enhance the student’s extracurricular activities including excursions, departmental seminar, visual learning, and award scheme and so on. Thirdly I will arrange many seminars (national & international) in my own department where I will act as coordinator
and publish the seminar proceedings. Fourthly in the next academic session I would like to arrange an exhibition in the department of English where students will be able to learn many things. Finally, I would like to arrange workshops to make my students learn more about research.

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